
Breaking Feminist Superheroines (breakfeminazis) porn pics

The Yankee Abolitionist had went down South to try to help free the Slaves. Instead she is captured by a plantation Master and herself sexually enslaved. The Southern Belle bathes and prepares the feisty Northerner for her husband's sexual pleasure

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Former Feminists are subject to periodic review from MRA Family Courts to examine their progress in learning to submit to Male Supremacy. Those cunts who continue to manifest Feminazi tendencies and hostility to Men, are subject to public spankings by the

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After a generation of Feminism, these braindead bitches are too stupid to perform a simple womanly task like baking a cake for the boys. The Neo-Patriarchy institutes a thorough program of re-education to teach today's useless spoiled cunts their purpose

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She had inspired Feminists as the trash-talking first Woman Quarterback in the NFL. Now she is forced to relive the Rams' cold-blooded win, and experience the team pileup all over again.

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Forced to sleep on the floor as a dog, Shira desperately wished to swat away the fleas and mosquitoes, or at least scratch the itches. But fear of Male Power kept her in line

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Linda had suffered dearly for the Feminism of her wilder young and crazy years, and wanted to give her rebellious daughter a taste of what Patriarchy had in store for her if she continued her Feminist bitchiness

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The imprisoned Senator anxiously awaits her next brutal fucking by the Patriarch. Every night she is forced to share a warm bed, with the Ogre who has caused more pain, suffering and tears to her sex than any man in history. all she can do is moan, as her

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Slave girls can be remarkably cruel and catty to any ex-Feminists added to their harem. They blame the Feminists for starting the Sex War, and hate their superior attitude. This former activist is near tears, when her Master finds her bound next to the cl

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Feminist rehab is an ordeal for Brandy, being put in solitary after a tantrum. After weeks with alone her sponsor and his belt, she returns to group therapy. The shame of clothing probation and the judging gaze of her peers, causes her to break down sobbi

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The Feminist saboteur had blown up the bridge, blocking the Masculinist advance, now she would have to travel the long way...

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The blonde Bounty Hunter considered herself a patriotic American. But when the Al Nehezera Sultanate offered her a fortune to kidnap their outspoken dissident Feminist exile and return her in slavery to her Homeland, the Hunter knew that fancy business su

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Not all feminists were immediately enslaved upon arrest. Political prisoners were often bought up to inhabit ranches where wealthy businessmen would pay top dollar to go on "cuntmeat safaris" and take ownership of whatever they captured. To the left is a

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Having defeated the leader of the Amazon Rebellion. She is kept in a dungeon in chains and subject to incredible degradations. As the once proud Amazon Queen awaits the day she will give birth to her Conqueror's Child. A reminder that all women exist as v

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Taken away from her mother at birth, the daughter of the ex-Feminist President, is subjected to continuous abuse by her harsh teachers at the Cunt Training School. Nothing but pain and submission in her life. Her mommy tearfully watches her little girl gr

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The Men's Resistance Army found that selling prisoners into white slavery was a much more profitable way to fund their insurgency, than demanding ransom from the Feminist Establishment.

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Mary Jane Watson bimbofied and titfucked. Original story and art; let me know what you think!

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One of the girls that roam freely in the new Safari park, full of wild free range girls captured from the Femdom Empire and protected as wild life in the Park

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The Feminist Congresswoman still has on her business suit. But she is already caged and slave collared. And given the video evidence she had seen as part of her Congressional Investigations on Patriarchal war crimes, she is already trembling in terror at

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After her gang rape, the defeated and imprisoned Feminist Senator suffers the degradation of having the sweat, cum and blood hosed off of her like an animal, in front of the entire mocking town

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Under the Neo-Patriarchy there is no Feminist whining about the Media setting unrealistic standards for the average woman. A plaster mold is made of Top Celebrity tits and all women are expected to live up to the new average

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Once their uniforms and camouflage panties are stripped off, the POWS from the Feminist Rebel Army make the ideal harem fuckslaves

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She had been an ace fighter pilot in the Feminist Airforce. He had lost many good men to her sneaky maneuvers. Now she would lick the shoes of her worst enemy

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As the first generation of girls are now entering into a patriarchal education system, many teachers have found it useful to take past icons of femininity and update them for modern sensibilities. This allows the student to understand her social role, as

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Famous Feminist speaker being taught what her mouth is really for.

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The streets of the Feminist Capital, are lined with posters showing their former Prime Minister utterly conquered. Enslaved, helplessly bound and collared. Impregnated and destined to give birth to the child of her worst enemy

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An agent of the Misogynist Secret Police, women's detachment carry out a close and intimate strip search of the suspected leader of the underground Feminist Resistance

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The Suffragette Gunslinger had ridden into the Baddest Town in the Wild West determined to stamp out crime and prove women were just as capable as Men. But patrolling the streets the 1st day on her job, she is having 2nd thoughts about the uniform the tow

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Soraya and Breechelle debated in forums for years on the merits of post-structuralist standpoint feminism versus Radical deep green third world transfeminism. Stripped of all pretense (and clothes) what they did have in common was a strong appetite for co

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Although not an athlete herself, Debra had campaigned tirelessly for the women's soccer team to get equal funding at her university. After the war, her team was dissolved. Knowing her love for the sport, however, Debra was allowed to be a goalie when the

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The Skull Masked Fedora is infamous for striking terror into the hearts of Feminists everywhere, reminding them that even the most famous, powerful, seemingly secured Feminists can be snatched from their homes, stripped naked and reduced to sexual slavery

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Two Maledom Empire workers (They are paying for their freedom) processing another female specimen whose freedom card expired, she's now slave number 01

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After the masked MRA Paratroopers capture the Feminist Vice President in her Palace grounds, they prepare to turn her Royal Gardens into a pit of sexual torture and humiliation for her and her comrades

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The Socialite had been thankful when the Private Detective had provided her with photographic proof of her husband's affair, the only grounds for divorce under Patriarchy. Her freedom proved to be short lived however, as the PI has received a higher price

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Superheroine mindbreak comic I wrote and drew, featuring Ms. Marvel. Any and all commentary/feedback appreciated!

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This one is the biggest cunt of all - she is to absolut no use what so ever, but I think we found her calling in life. Now she can serve men too.

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Maledom National Safari park features girls in their natural habitat as the animals they are, this is a woman relieving herself in the park, picture taken by a park visitor.

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